Monday, August 13, 2012

Georgia on my mind

Jena and I just completed a much needed vacation  through the southern states down to Savannah.  We started out our adventure by driving to Knoxville and spending a few with days with our good friends Doug and Lita.  Our two days in Knoxville were filled with late night conversations, a beautiful lake view and even a trip to Dollywood.  Jena and I met Doug and Lita two years ago while on a Carnival cruise to Mexico.  They are ministry veterans with a similar blended family experience.  We have stayed in regular contact over the years and finally had a chance to re-connect.  Amazing how God orchestrates divine appointments.

Following our stop in Tennessee, Jena and I drove the rest of the way to Savannah and spent the week on Tybee beach with Jena's folks.  Between the pool, high tide surfing, beach volleyball and long walks searching for sea shells, I stayed plenty busy.  We try to make down to Savannah at least once a year.  Of course it is Jena's hometown and Tybee is the location of our wedding engagement.  Sweet memories.

Post summer break started last Friday at Shelterwood.  It made for a nice quiet return to work today.  Our new big brothers and sisters arrived today.  A fantastic group of young men and women.  Over the next two weeks we will be walking them through the Shelterwood orientation process including a Healing For the Nations retreat led by our director, Rujon.

I will be taking on a new role at Shelterwood as an advocate for the big brothers.  I will still operate as the House Director but, in addition, I will be overseeing the mentoring and growth development of our big brothers.  It should be an easy transition with my passion and appreciation for the big brothers.  Please remember our bigs in your prayers over the next two weeks as they adjust to the next chapter of ministry for their life.

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