Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring Break

Spring Break officially began yesterday at Shelterwood. Some of the boys will be traveling home to visit with family while others remain back on campus for a week of sleeping in and activities that will most surely include food, movies, and late night conversations with big brothers. The NCAA tournament was on yesterday with all of the brackets posted on the office window for scoring and bragging rights. Other boys were outside skateboarding, sunbathing and listening to a music mix of Jack Johnson and Dub Step. The school teachers are taking a well deserved break and the staff will be catching up on various projects in addition to spending time in the lodges with the kids.

We celebrated a graduation on Monday morning at 8:30 with the Meyers and welcomed in a new family an hour later. The head count in the boys lodge remains at 26. We had a special guest speaker on Thursday morning for chapel. Jay, a local youth pastor, shared with the student body about social status and the misguided theory that blessing equals wealth. Some of the boys attend Jay's youth group during the week.

Following Spring Break, I will be taking the big brothers and sisters on a two day retreat nearby. Our bigs are amazing servants who work hard and the retreat is a small appreciation of their effort. Rujon will be joining us as we focus on rest, healing, worship and community.

Happy St. Patricks Day!

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