Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hold on loosely

No matter how hard you try, some things you just cannot hold onto. Seasons change and people come and go. The two pictures I posted above where taken on the steps of my front porch. One on Christmas day and the other on the 4th of July. August is here, July is gone and the summer tide is rolling into "Back-to-School mode." Try and fight it if you will, it's still coming.

Change has been felt closer to home as well. Justin is returning to Boulder on Monday to get ready for the fall college semester. My daughters returned to Colorado last Saturday. Corey is currently in Georgia but returns home in mid-August. Jena, Kaiden and I are still trucking along. Enjoying the warm weather and adjusting to a much quieter home.

Shelterwood summer is still in autopilot. Pre-summer break and the new Leadtime class will be here before you know it. Of course, change is always a staple around here. Since the last week of May and Memorial Day we have brought in 12 new kids and seen 9 exit. It is one of those things that keep me motivated. Like I always say, you never know how much time you have with a kid so make the most of everyday you are given.

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