Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Wild Wood

Things have been quiet on the Blog front for a few weeks so you kinda knew stuff was brewing at Doulos. Indeed it was. We just concluded the Spring Parent's Weekend. The weekend schedule included the usual things like parent groups, fancy-meals-that-make-the-parents-think-we-eat- like-this-often, and lots of quality family time. The Kansas City property is amazing. Each of the lodges is furnished with rocking chairs and benches on the porch. A front row seat of the huge "Shelterwood Oak Tree" and the western horizon for sunset. I watched family after family rebuilding relationships on those rocking chairs as I passed in and out of the lodge throughout the weekend.

One event, in particular, that deeply impacted my life was a graduation held on Friday night. I had not yet witnessed a Shelterwood graduation during Parent Weekend. Mostly due to timing but it worked out last weekend. One of the boys that I spent much time with, Michael. One of the main guys on my worship team and young man loaded with talent. Wonderful parents. A heart for Christ. A teacher and role model to other residents. A transformation to a level I have only seen a handful of times. I had the privilege of sharing at Mikey's graduation and I spent hours talking with his sisters, his parents, his grandma, aunt and cousin. All in attendance from Wisconsin. The ripple effect of Mikey's graduation was felt by all the families at Parent Weekend. Hope for the dads who would get few or no words from their sons during this weekend. Hope for moms who desperately miss their daughters and wish them home. Hope. I will miss Mikey.

Next week is Camp Galilee, an annual house trip with both guys and girls, and I will be making the trip. I'll lead worship each night, hang out in the boys cabins and join in the team games. Last year was a blast. On the heels of Galilee will be Pre-summer break at the end of May before we roll into the summer schedule.

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