Monday, September 14, 2009

Diary of a short week

Last week I mentioned the Kansas City Irish Fest so I thought I would share a photo taken with some good friends.  You might notice the green water fountains in the background.  It was a nice touch.  Good times.

Like many of you, it was a short work week with the Labor Day holiday.  I spent the day with Jena, Justin, Corey and Kaiden at home and it was great!  The week still seemed long though?? 

Corey had a Pop Warner football game on Saturday.  An otherwise ordinary event but during the game a stealth bomber flew over the playing field...twice.  The second flyover was at a low altitude too.  It was awesome.

We launched chapel on Thursday.  Our guest speaker did a great job and the music by the Killer B's was excellent.  The B's have updated the Facebook fan page if you'd like to see some pics:

It was great to have NFL football back and, of course, I have to say something about those Cowboys.  How Bout Em?  I enjoyed watching a game last night with a buddy from Shelterwood.  Football: another good reason for building community.

As the Field House nears completion, landscaping/erosion control re-started last week along with the pouring of sidewalks connecting the new building to the Dining Hall and Lodges.  

There you have it.  A diary of a short week.


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