Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sweet Summertime

Summer time has definitely arrived in Kansas City.  90 something today and 97, 98, 96 the next three days respectively.  I'm lovin it.  The survival plan is to lay low during the day, stay inside or in the pool, and then come out at night. Simple.

Fathers Day is today and I had a wonderful time with my kids.  Went to church this morning and this afternoon we took a swim in the recently-completed Shelterwood swimming pool.  Nice.  Capped off the night with some grilled pork chops and home baked cookies, compliments of Jena.  I felt blessed today.  

As advertised, a full week of work awaited me at Shelterwood following my vacation.  I was buried but made it through.  As I mentioned above, the pool is complete.  The Boys Lodge is complete, and has been for several months, but we do not yet have the certificate of occupancy. Still some red-tape with that one so something to keep in your prayers.   Without the Boys Lodge we are unable to increase the number of families we can take in.  There only so much space in the Girls Lodge which houses the staff, the guy residents, and the girl residents.  Oh yeah, one more thing...Doulos TSTL (The Sky's The Limit) inner city summer day camp begins this week!! 

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