Saturday, January 29, 2011

Winter Sun

Yesterday the sun broke through and folks were seen around Shelterwood in T-shirts. It was 60-something degrees outside and it felt like spring or even summer. It was refreshing. The thawing process; however, is not without mess. A fair amount of slush and mud is generated as a result of winter sunshine. Inconvenient but well worth it. As I often mention in my blog, the seasons have a striking parallel to spiritual growth and, although winter is long from over, the winter sun warms the soul. A reminder of hope that brings joy as God shines in the winter exposing the slush and mud of growth.

Comings and goings at Shetlerwood...
We celebrated the graduation of a young lady on Thursday afternoon. Earlier that same day, one our big brothers shared some original hip-hop music during chapel. We were also blessed to hear the testimony of a local young man's journey through hardship and ultimately to Christ. Two new families arrived in the boys house last week and one departed bringing our total to 25. We have also received two new Big brothers. I know it's hard to keep track so you'll just have to take my word. 25 boy residents. 8 Big brothers. 1 new resident is scheduled to come next week and 2 more big brothers are in the application/approval process.

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