The Fall 2011 chapel season started in September. We meet each Thursday morning at 8:30 for our weekly service. First period for the high school students is Bible class and on Thursdays, class is replaced with chapel. The service usually involves a few worship songs followed by a message from one of our staff.
Occasionally I might start the morning off with a crazy game and possible prizes. It usually wakes the kids up and the prizes normally involve food which is an attraction with the teens. The music is provided by the Killer B's. The Killer's B's started 3 years ago with original members Brian, Brooke, Ben, Brad and Brian. The members have changed over the years but the spirit of the band lives on. During the month of October, chapel is meeting in the girls lodge providing the ladies with a chance to use their musical talents. We will switch back over to the guys lodge in November giving the boys a chance to get involved. The venue will switch every other month. I am working with new big brother, Andrew, to get the boys ready for the November worship experience. Big Sister, Lindsay, is pictured here and she is doing an excellent job leading the young ladies in worship each week.