Summer keeps rolling on for Sam and the rest of the clan. Over the weekend a few of the girls visited Worlds of Fun in Kansas City (the photo to the right was taken there). A full day of riding roll coasters in the Missouri heat. Last week our local church, New Community, hosted a Vacation Bible School and the kids volunteered all week long with music, games and a variety of other tasks. Justin has been life guarding all summer at the local water park and Saturday night was the much anticipated Life Guard Olympics or "LGO" as he often refers to it. Good times for all the young life guard folk.
The Shelterwood boys came back Friday from a successful summer camping trip to Northern Arkansas and Branson. The two week summer break ended on Friday, as well, and this week launched the second summer school session. Today we celebrated another Shelterwood graduation with Corrin and her family. A sweet young lady and a fantastic family. Congratulations to another completed journey. That brings our resident total to 24 but 3 new families are coming next week and one more the week after that. We pause today to celebrate one family before we embrace the new ones coming our way!