Shelterwood life is moving forward at the usual pace. On the horizon is Parent's Weekend, Camp Galilee and Pre-Summer break. For now, the new volleyball league is about to begin. Similar to basketball, this is another c0-ed all property league. 25 folks are signed up and games begin next Thursday. To add to the team spirit , this time around we have color's and jersey's.
I shared this morning during our weekly chapel service. With Easter just around the corner, I took a page out of the Josh McDowell school of thought. Specifically Evidence That Demands a Verdict and More Than a Carpenter. Jesus was no ordinary man. He claimed to be God. Lots of people like to downplay it by sticking with the old "Good Teacher" position. Not gonna work. No only did he claim to be God but he was tried and executed for that very claim. I addressed the issues, the facts and the validity of the Bible by taking a non-spiritual approach and no scriptural references. The Core of who WE are is centered around who we believe Jesus to be.