Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer break

It's been a slow week around here.  Staff usually rolls in between 8:45 and 9.  The kids wander past my office and into the front room around 11 with bed hair and asking about breakfast. Between now and Sunday all will return to normal.  Summer school starts Monday.  Half days  Monday through Thursday.  Back at the Albright home, summer break has arrived too.  Yesterday was Corey's last day and last week was Justin's.  Both boys hit the movie theatre in the afternoon and were probably up late last night.  Only a matter of days until boredom sets in.  Oh....the days of summer.     

Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day

It's Memorial Day weekend and so many milestones have passed.  The kids all left for pre-summer break today.  It will be quiet around the ole' Wood for the next week.  Lots of hot pockets, frozen wings, and nuggets for those left behind.  The kitchen schedule goes into "break mode" and the prepared meals are temporarily gone.  Yesterday was the last chapel of the season.  Brought back a lot of memories because I remember the last chapel in Denver.  We will resume again at the end of August but lots will change by then.  A new Leadtime class.  Many new residents and probably even some turnover with staff.  I wrote a special song for the last chapel titled, "Ode to Chapel."  It was one of my typical Adam Sandler style songs with plenty of humor from life at the Wood.  It was a riot.

On a more somber note, one of our residents was pulled from the program today.  A guy who's been here for 17 months.  Always tough.  Honestly I think it will be good for him and the reasons are complicated.  It's times like these that I am reminded that I am entrusted by God to pour into the lives of these young people.  Could be a month...could be 17 months.  I give all I have because I never know how long it will be.  "Thanks God," for trusting me and "Thanks to my supporters for making this a reality.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Parent Weekend

Ok, so what about Parent Weekend?  Seems like it was eons ago but it was actually a little more than a week ago.  It was a smashing success.  Sure, we had the usual spots (those of you familiar with Shelterwood know what I mean)....Leadtime testimonies, Take-a-Big-to-breakfast, the Friday Night Talent Show, Parent Groups, The huge meals and clean up duty, Sunday morning chapel and family share time.  We didn't exactly re-invent the wheel but it was still awesome.  I had some encouraging conversations with several parents and the whole experience was authentic.  Two times a year during our parent weekends, I get to see the transformation of lives and the restoration of families up close.  I know....dramatic, but still true.  

I deeply appreciate all of your support.  Jena and I will be reviewing our ministry and support process in the next few months.  If you know of someone who may be interested in following our ministry and possibly supporting financially, please let me know.  I can still be reached  Blessings!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Camp Galilee

I'm sitting here at the computer on a Saturday afternoon blogging and still pretty exhausted from a week of summer camp in Eldorado Springs, MO.  Got home last night and it was an absolute blast!  The house directors did an amazing job organizing camp and my role was simply a team leader.  Had a cabin of about 5 boys and a few other leaders.  During the daytime we  served Camp Galilee with work projects and the rest of the day was filled with camp activities.  My team worked on thinning out trees and brush around the beautiful lake.  Had a chance to work the chain saw and I'm feeling it in my shoulders and forearms.  The afternoons were full of games including a low ropes course, several relay races, egg drop competition, team skit, volleyball and tons more.  I was the leader of Team Blue aka, "TNT--short for Troubled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"  (..and yes...we won the best team name competition).  We also won the entire week-long competition with a first place prize to Cold Stone ice cream for the whole team.  Any surprises, from Brian "Mr. Competitive" Albright???

The evenings included a Club time with some fun songs and worship led by myself and some fantastic messages from our house staff.  The kids and staff had great attitudes and the whole week was a smashing success.  Between the quiet times, worship, games, bon fires and work projects, God was most definitely present and pleased.  Thank you so much for your part in this ministry.  I had several meaningful conversations throughout the week with campers and staff and your faithful support makes trips like Camp Galilee a reality for my ministry.  Blessings.

(more to come later on parents weekend).